Having read several books this year:
Throughout all the books, I noticed a similar trend in topics.
It turns out that creatives struggle the most with the act of just
showing up,
and believing that Art is real work and that they can do it.
Writers have the torturous task to sit at their computers staring at a blank screen, painters similarly at a blank canvas, musicians at a blank composition notebook. The encouragement was to just show up and start.
“Almost all good writing begins with terrible first efforts. You need to start somewhere.”
To carve out the time is a great struggle, then fighting off the negative voices, ugh.
The TRUTH is that Art fills the world with beauty, creativity, problem solving, new technologies, and much much more. So I am speaking truth to myself all the time now.
Okay, so I am showing up.
I hope you will too.
Today: I am dreaming of the possibilities of photo transfers and what I want to create.
In preparation for my new photo transfer work, I am going back through old files to find a ton of images that I have taken over the years, this is one of my "drive by shootings". (pictures that I take as we are on a road trip, what ever we are passing that catches my eye).
Below: Raw verses after processed in PS CS5.
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